Get to know Ian
The Ian Richards Project declares there is music in your soul… and it’s time to let it shine.
Ian knows that music can ignite the creative force that burns in all of us, freeing the joy we want and need, to lead rich, rewarding lives. This is his life-long reality.
His passion for music began at a young age learning to play the piano. After years of performing behind the keyboard, Ian found the courage to step up and front his own band, writing and performing his own music.
While building a state-of-the-art recording and sound studios in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ian has forged bonds with some of the most brilliant performers and producers in the Canadian music industry. Today, with a great band of seasoned professionals, and a mission to encourage everyone to embrace music we all can love, Ian is ready to launch the next phase of his musical passion.

Ian has scored tremendous achievements in the housing industry. He thinks of creating songs much like process he uses to builds homes… by starting with a foundation, perhaps a piano movement, perhaps a lyrical hook with a melody, then adding the rest of the structure to finish into a song.
Now, with the Ian Richards Project as his platform, and with a world-class band, Ian hopes his songs will inspire YOU to love music even more than you do now. Perhaps you can become that songwriter, or finally pick up that guitar or take that first lesson on the piano… to launch your own musical journey.
Ian’s mission is to encourage you to embrace the joy of music, and experience it just as he has done… And don’t ever forget, it is never too late to start working on your dreams!